
Recommendations and Direction

The following list identifies the ten main areas introduced by staff, for recommended actions, and/or for seeking direction and input based on the analysis presented here:

1. Standard design(s) for buffer corridors?
2. Open space configuration and design standards?
3. Code requirements to:
provide clear direction for improving street connectivity, and
• ensure that non-vehicular connections are required through all street ends.
4. Design standards for both parks and street ends to promote non-vehicular connections?
5. Standards and requirements to include and integrate non-motorized transportation options in plats (through connections, transit facilities, griding with walkways and trails, connecting trails to neighboring plats, etcetera)?
6. Design standards for pedestrian connections and trails?
7. Define alternative street section options for subdivisions to maximize their benefits, and reduce the impacts excessive street sections can have?
8. Design and landscape standards for stormwater facilities similar to current site plan regulations?
9. Improved regulations focused on creating an appropriate “urban forest” (such as through street tree requirements, and improved tree retention mitigation)?
10. Short Plat Code revisions that would remove obstacles, and assist in better fulfilling the intent of the GMA with these plats?

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